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I help women to be

Hey you!

My name is Mandy, and I am the founder of Weiblich.Stark.Führungskraft. In my coaching, leadership is reimagined in a new, feminine way.

Imagine waking up every morning knowing exactly what makes you strong and where you want to go. I help you discover exactly that while staying true to yourself.


Together, we explore how you can use your strengths at work and how you can achieve your goals without stress and with a smile on your face.

- A Gift for You -

Discover your False Beliefs

that rob you of your feminine power.

What if we start replacing "What will people think?" with "What will I think of myself?" Imagine the power unleashed when women begin to put themselves first. It's time to change the game rules.

Are you in?

Your Female Leadership Coach


You are...

... a woman in a leadership position and would like to feel more confident and competent in your role?

You have... 

Challenges with employees, colleagues and your supervisor? Are you not heard or respected, do you not seem confident in your team leadership? 

You want to...

... set strong, healthy boundaries and learn how to be assertive without being aggressive and unfriendly. 

You are looking for...

... methods and support for finding your strengths, inner peace and realignment in your leadership role?

Do any of these apply to you? Then you've come to the right place.


Want monthly inspiration?

Leaders are not born, they read my newsletter.

Thank you for your interest.

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