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Vom Frust zum Erfolg

Unsere Angebote im Überblick

Nachhaltige Strategien mit Substanz, die seit über 8 Jahren erfolgreich von Coachees umgesetzt werden.

Frau am Strand


Du stehst am Morgen auf und weißt genau, was dich stark macht.

Ich helfe dir dabei in diesem Mini Coaching dabei, genau das herauszufinden und dabei ganz du selbst zu bleiben. Zusammen schauen wir, wie du deine Stärken bei der Arbeit einsetzen kannst.


Mit unserem Programm "Der StärkenSchlüssel" erhältst du in nur 4 Wochen Klarheit über deine Stärken und lernst, wie du sie erfolgreich im Beruf einsetzen kannst.

Frau arbeitet


Finde mehr Zeit für dich selbst und löse deine Herausforderungen!

Mit unserem 12-Wochen-Programm entdecken wir, was dich wirklich antreibt, wie du deine einzigartigen Stärken im Beruf einsetzen und wie du deine Ziele mit Freude und ohne Druck erreichen kannst.

Ich helfe dir, Grenzen zu setzen, ohne ein schlechtes Gewissen zu haben, und wie du selbstbewusst für das einstehst, was dir wichtig ist. 



Löse Konflikte und finde deine berufliche Zufriedenheit!

Stell dir vor, du gehst zur Arbeit und fühlst dich vollkommen zufrieden, weil du weißt, dass du deinen Platz gefunden hast und deine Arbeit wertschätzt. Dies ist kein ferner Traum.

Unser individuelles Coaching-Programm "ErfolgsEssenz" über 21 Wochen hilft dir dabei, Konflikte zu lösen und deine berufliche Zufriedenheit wiederzuerlangen.

Redesign leadership and define success on your terms

My Services

Imagine going to work and feeling completely satisfied because you know you've found your place and value your work. This isn't a distant dream but the beginning of what we can achieve together.

I'll show you a new way to lead, work, and live because you can.

Coaching is the journey you embark on when you're ready to change. You don't just want to solve problems but experience breakthroughs, overcome barriers, and see higher possibilities that may have been hidden before.

If it sounds intriguing, feel free to read on here.

*All offers listed below apply to both companies and individuals.

- A Gift for You -

Discover your False Beliefs

that rob you of your feminine power.

What if we start replacing "What will people think?" with "What will I think of myself?" Imagine the power unleashed when women begin to put themselves first. It's time to change the game rules.


Are you in?

My Coaching Packages



The Power.Pathway

Picture yourself waking up every morning knowing exactly what makes you strong and where you want to go. I'll help you discover just that while staying true to yourself. Together, we'll explore how you can leverage your strengths at work.

In 4 weeks, you'll uncover your strengths and learn how to use them effectively in your career!

With our "Power.Pathway" program, you'll gain clarity on your strengths in just 4 weeks and learn how to successfully apply them in your profession.

You'll participate in a webinar to help you identify your core life goals, followed by an Ennea Assessment to recognize your strengths.

Additionally, you'll receive three personal coaching sessions to translate your strengths into tangible actions in the workplace.

The program is expandable at any time to include the contents of the other two packages.



Imagine finding more time for yourself and overcoming your challenges!

With our 12-week program, you'll receive all the tools from the "The Power.Pathway" program, plus methods to create time for yourself and enhance your leadership skills.

Together, we'll discover what truly drives you, how to leverage your unique strengths in your profession, and how to achieve your goals joyfully and without pressure. I'll help you set boundaries without feeling guilty and stand confidently for what matters to you. Imagine going to work and feeling completely satisfied because you know you've found your place and value your work. This isn't a distant dream but the beginning of what we can achieve together.

Additionally, we offer a live session with like-minded individuals to address false beliefs, followed by 5  personal coaching sessions to support you on your journey of personal and professional development.

The program is expandable at any time to include the contents of the "Boundless.Leader" program.



Resolve conflicts and find your professional satisfaction!

Imagine going to work and feeling completely satisfied because you know you've found your place and value your work. This isn't a distant dream but the beginning of what we can achieve together.

Our individual coaching program "Boundless.Leader" over 21 weeks helps you resolve conflicts and regain your professional satisfaction.

It includes all the services of the "Belief.Breakthrough" package, along with 12 personalized coaching sessions tailored to your needs on topics such as conflict resolution and assertiveness, or setting healthy boundaries to address your individual challenges and achieve your goals.

The coaching is also complemented by two workbooks on healthy boundaries and assertiveness.

Your coaching is...


You will receive proven methods and a structured roadmap that accompanies your personal development. In individual coaching sessions,
I focus more on you, and depending on the package, various content is available to you.


We create an ideal environment for breathing, deep self-reflection, and clarity about the next steps.


The individual coaching sessions range in intensity from one to six months. Even after booking, your coaching is still adjustable.

Depending on the package, there are additional contact options that offer a quick response to a question.


The actual learning, i.e., the application of what you've learned in everyday life, takes place between sessions.

You will naturally receive various handouts and other content to further deepen the coaching sessions.

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