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Are you being held back by your work environment?

Hey, Powerwomen!

Let's be honest: success often depends on where we are. Your values play a huge role in this! When your work matches your true motivations, everything feels easier and more fun. Today on Weiblich.Stark.Führungskraft, we’re talking about how you can shape your environment to reflect your values and help you succeed.

Imagine this: a polar bear is a superstar in the Arctic, but in the desert? Not so much. It's the same for us. The right environment can make you shine, while the wrong one can drag you down. An employee who excels in one setting might struggle in another. This is why poaching a "star" employee from a competitor often fails if the environment isn't considered.


When your job matches your true motivations, everything is easier and more fulfilling. We’ve made it simple for you to understand these key factors in your career planning and strategy. Use this report proactively to gain more control over your career and better determine your path. It brings you more focus and job satisfaction.

The small exercise below helps you identify two important areas: your core values and your top career motivators. When your work, activities, and goals align with your values, it creates an energy boost that effortlessly leads you to more success and goal achievement. Think about this:

  1. What activities or tasks can you add to your workday that fit your values?

  2. Where are your values currently met, and how can you get more of that?

  3. What's one small thing you can do tomorrow at work that aligns with your values?

By assessing your top career motivators, you've created your own definition of success. The points you identified are your blueprint for what’s most important in your career.

Regularly review how you’ve prioritized your career motivators. Their importance can shift, so make sure to re-evaluate regularly.

At different times in our careers and jobs, our career motivators are met in different ways. Find ways to live more of your career values in your current job.

Motivation und Werte

Success often depends on the environment we find ourselves in. When you have a clear understanding of your values and motivations, you can steer your career in a direction that truly aligns with you. Be aware of what’s really important to you in your job, and shape your daily work life to reflect your values. This will not only make you more satisfied but also more successful.

So, what are you waiting for? Start actively shaping your work environment today! Your values are your strongest compass on the road to success. Stay strong and confident, until next time!

Reach out at to achieve more focus and to actively use your strengths in your career.

Stay strong!


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